84th INTERPOL General Assembly

٣ نوفمبر، ٢٠١٥
The 84th General Assembly took place in Kigali, Rwanda

2-5 November 2015 – Kigali, Rwanda

The General Assembly is INTERPOL's supreme governing body and comprises delegates appointed by the governments of member countries.

It meets once a year and takes all the major decisions affecting general policy, the resources needed for international cooperation, working methods, finances and programmes of activities. These decisions are in the form of resolutions.

Sheikh Musa Fazil Harerimana, Minister of Internal Security of the Republic of Rwanda addresses delegates at the closing ceremony  of the General Assembly.
Host country Rwanda hands the INTERPOL flag to Indonesia, who will host the next session of the General Assembly in 2016.
(from left) Secretary General Jürgen Stock, President Mireille Ballestrazzi, with Rwanda’s Minister of Internal Security Sheikh Musa Fazil Harerimana and Rwanda’s Inspector General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana.
The 84th session of INTERPOL’s General Assembly closed with delegates endorsing a new roadmap for the Organization’s future development, called INTERPOL 2020.
Rwanda hosted the 84th General Assembly, attended by some 640 police chiefs and senior law enforcement officials from 145 countries.
Host country Rwanda with Indonesia, who will host the next session of the General Assembly in 2016.
Sheikh Musa Fazil Harerimana, Minister of Internal Security of the Republic of Rwanda (left), with INTERPOL President Mireille Ballestrazzi at the closing of the 84th General Assembly.
INTERPOL President Mireille Ballestrazzi told delegates their continued support was essential to transform the resolutions adopted during the General Assembly into concrete action.

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