Official visits 2024

National Director, Polícia  Judiciária of Portugal


28 August 2024 - National Director of the Portuguese Polícia Judiciária, Luís Neves met with Secretary General Jürgen Stock during a visit to the INTERPOL General Secretariat headquarters.

National Director Neves, who was accompanied by the head of NCB Lisbon, Helena Gravato, was briefed on INTERPOL’s activities in combating transnational crime, with a focus on firearms, drug trafficking, crimes against children and financial crimes.

An active member of INTERPOL, Portugal has supported a range of global operations targeting sexual exploitation, illicit drugs and firearms trafficking and online financial fraud.

Commissioner, Somali Police Force


8 August 2024 – The Secretary General met with General Sulub Ahmed Firin, Commissioner of the Somali Police Force, and his delegation at INTERPOL headquarters in Lyon.

Coming shortly after a deadly terrorist attack in Mogadishu, the Secretary General expressed his firm condemnation of the attack and condolences for the officers and civilians that lost their lives.

The two leaders noted the positive impact of ongoing INTERPOL activities in Somalia and the Horn of Africa and discussed how INTERPOL's databases and policing tools can further strengthen Somalia’s border control, bolster maritime security and prevent the movement of terrorists.

National Police Commissioner, Finland


9 July 2024 – The Secretary General welcomed Seppo Kolehmainen, Finland’s National Police Commissioner, to the Organization’s Lyon headquarters where the two leaders discussed Finnish security priorities and the country’s partnership with INTERPOL.

The Secretary General expressed appreciation for Finland’s strong support to INTERPOL and international police cooperation at large.

Finland’s cooperation with INTERPOL spans initiatives targeting human trafficking, cybercrime, transnational organized crime and crimes against children.

Minister of Interior, Italy


30 May 2024 – Italy’s Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi met with INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock at the Organization’s General Secretariat headquarters in Lyon.

Minister Piantedosi and his delegation, which included Prefect Raffaele Grassi, Deputy General Director Public Security and Central Director Criminal Police were updated on INTERPOL’s range of policing capabilities in combating threats such as transnational organized crime.

With Italy currently holding the G7 Presidency, the meeting also covered issues to be addressed at the Interior Ministers’ Meeting in October, with a specific focus on migrant smuggling, terrorism and fentanyl.

Launched with the support of Italy in 2020, the success of the INTERPOL Cooperation Against ‘Ndrangheta (I-CAN) project was also discussed.

There are currently 19 countries participating in the project, which so far has facilitated the arrest of nearly 100 fugitives worldwide.

Minister of Interior, Lithuania


30 April 2024 – Lithuania’s Minister of the Interior, Agnė Bilotaitė met with Secretary General Jürgen Stock and other senior officials during a visit to the General Secretariat.

The meeting with Minister Bilotaitė and her delegation, which included Police Commissioner General Renatas Požėla, was an opportunity to discuss the Organization’s range of capabilities and role in international law enforcement cooperation.

Lithuania is a strong user of INTERPOL solutions on the frontlines, particularly at border control points.

Minister of Interior, Germany


22 April 2024 - Nancy Faeser, Germany’s Federal Minister of Interior and Community met with INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock at the Organization’s General Secretariat headquarters in Lyon.

Minister Faeser and her delegation, which included State Secretary Georg Engelke and other high-level Ministerial officials, were briefed on INTERPOL’s range of policing capabilities and what support can be provided in combating crime areas including transnational organized crime and terrorism.

With Germany’s Federal Criminal Police (Bundeskriminalamt) reporting that more than two thirds of investigations have links to organized crime groups abroad, the need for international law enforcement exchanges at the global level was a key element of discussions.

In addition to being one of the highest users of INTERPOL’s global databases, Germany has also provided significant financial and expert support to key projects such as the INTERPOL Capabilities for Operational Relevance (I-CORE) programme.

Executive Director, eu-Lisa


23 January 2024 – The Secretary General met with Agnès Diallo, Executive Director of the European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-Lisa).

The discussions with Ms Diallo and her delegation focused on exploring common priorities and opportunities for collaboration, particularly in the areas of border management and cybersecurity.