Today’s security challenges are interconnected and global, threatening the sustainable development of society. Multilateral collaboration among law enforcement agencies is therefore vital to address these complex and evolving security risks.
As the only police organization that works at the global level, INTERPOL plays a unique role in supporting international efforts to safeguard communities and make the world a safer place.
To do this in a consistent manner across the world, it is important that all actors in the global security architecture share an understanding of the threats and work towards the same outcomes.
We developed seven Global Policing Goals (GPGs) to address a range of issues related to crime and security. Endorsed by our member countries in 2017, the Goals were officially launched in 2018.
Consistent with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principle of neutrality (enshrined in Articles 2 and 3 of INTERPOL’s Constitution respectively), the Global Policing Goals are universal, ambitious and underpinned by collective action.
INTERPOL’s seven Global Policing Goals
- Goal 1: Enable the global law enforcement community to more effectively counter and prevent terrorism through international cooperation
- Goal 2: Promote border security worldwide
- Goal 3: Enhance the law enforcement response to protecting vulnerable communities
- Goal 4: Reduce the global harm and impact of cybercrime
- Goal 5: Tackle corruption and financial crime in all its forms
- Goal 6: Counter serious organized crime and drug trafficking
- Goal 7: Strengthen environmental security and support the promotion of sustainable livelihoods by countering crimes that affect the environment and climate

Positive impact on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
INTERPOL’s General Secretariat published a report in 2020 to show the relations – both direct and indirect – between each of the seven INTERPOL GPGs and individual United Nations SDGs and their targets.
In some cases, all seven INTERPOL GPGs support the same UN SDG, due to the crosscutting nature of the SDG in question. This is particularly the case for SDG 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls), and SDG 17 (Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development). In other cases, the links between the GPGs and SDGs are more specific.
2023 Review Process
The evolving security landscape has been increasingly driven by technological innovation. The GPGs were therefore reviewed in 2023 as part of a collaborative process led by INTERPOL in cooperation with regional law enforcement agencies from around the world. The outcome of this review was adopted during our centenary police conference in Vienna, Austria.
The 2023 review process of the GPGs was conducted in parallel with the mid-term review of the implementation of the SDGs. This review identified five core areas which will have an impact on policing in the future:
- Data and information sharing
- Collaboration and partnerships
- Good governance, rule of law and respect for human rights
- Capacity building and training, innovation and digitalization
- Enablers of cybercrime and financial crime
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