Fighting organized crime in Denmark
Denmark is a Nordic country in Northern Europe which shares waters with other Scandinavian countries and a land border with the European continent. This geographical location is attractive to international organized crime groups wishing to smuggle illicit produce into Europe or across Scandinavia.
The majority of serious organized crime affecting Denmark relates to information technology and cybercrime, drug trafficking, property crime and terrorism.
The international characteristics of these crime areas and their links with crime networks around the world make the role of the INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB) in Copenhagen fundamental to maintaining national and regional security.

INTERPOL in Denmark
NCB Copenhagen is part of the lead national unit enabling local law enforcement to identify, investigate and prevent global crime affecting Denmark. It works with NCBs in all continents to monitor the global crime situation and enable preventive action in Denmark when required.
By providing globally sourced intelligence about regional crime, the NCB helps police officers across the country detect and investigate global serious organized crime affecting Denmark.

The NCB is part of the National Center of Investigation. It is an integral part of the National Police Operations Center which monitors the national, regional and global crime landscape 24 hours a day.
Law enforcement in Denmark
Law enforcement services in Denmark are provided by the national police, called “Politiet”. Led by a National Commissioner, this force is part of the Danish Ministry of Justice.
“Rigspolitiet”, which is part of the national police force, has overall responsibility for the country’s 14 police districts, including the districts of the Faroe Islands and Greenland. It is in charge of the overall strategic and tactical framework for the entire police body. Each district has a local Commissioner, who is in charge of managing local police work.
The local Commissioner works closely with the National Commissioner in devising national law enforcement strategy. Rigspolitiet is the driving force in implementing new police initiatives, and coordinates special operations.