ROXANNE aimed to efficiently identify and track criminals via speech, text and video data, combined with the analysis of organized crime networks.
This project researched and developed tools for investigating virtual currency transactions in underground markets.
We participated in this research project on exchanging digital evidence within the European Union over e-CODEX in the framework of European Investigative Order and mutual legal assistance procedures.
Speaker Identification Integrated Project (SIIP)
The SIIP project developed a new technology helping the law enforcement community identify the voices of unknown individuals, considerate of current privacy and data protection laws.
Managing Alternatives for Privacy, Property and Internet Governance Mapping (MAPPING)
The Mapping project served as a forum for expert discussions on the economic, social, legal and ethical aspects of ongoing developments on the Internet, with a focus on governance, human rights (including privacy and data protection) and intellectual property.
European Informatics Data Exchange Framework for Courts and Evidence (EVIDENCE)
The Evidence project provided a common legal framework for the systematic and uniform application of new technologies in the collection, use and exchange of evidence.
Rules, Expectations and Security through Privacy-Enhanced Convenient Technologies (RESPECT)
Building upon the SMART project findings, RESPECT project extended the scope of legal research to a number of areas such as CCTV systems, social network monitoring and automated systems tracking financial movements.
Scalable Measure for Automated Recognition Technologies (SMART)
In an age of exponential development of smart surveillance technology requiring effective legal frameworks, the SMART project produced a draft model law reflecting stakeholders’ needs in balance with citizens’ rights.
Documentos conexos

Noticias conexas

Speaker Identification Integrated Project (SIIP): Field test 2
23 de noviembre de 2017