SINGAPORE – HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco today visited the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) to see the world police body’s cutting-edge facilities which assist its 190 member countries combat cybercrime.
The Prince toured the Cyber Fusion Centre where he was briefed on the IGCI’s activities and objectives by Executive Director Noboru Nakatani.
In addition to digital security, there are two other main components of the IGCI, capacity building and training, and operational and investigative support to help identify and address emerging crime threats, provide a platform for disaster victim identification and incident response and major events support.
The IGCI will also house a Command and Coordination Centre operations room to reinforce those already in place in Lyon and in the Regional Bureau in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The visit follows the 83rd INTERPOL General Assembly hosted by Monaco and which was officially opened by Prince Albert II on Monday 3 November.
The five-day (3 – 7 November) conference, held under the theme ‘Turn Back Crime: 100 years of international police cooperation’ brought together more than 1,000 delegates from some 166 countries, and began with a Ministerial meeting.
Noticias conexas

El alemán Jürgen Stock, elegido nuevo Secretario General de INTERPOL
7 de noviembre de 2014