INTERPOL’s Chemical and Explosives Terrorism Prevention Programme
Prepare, Prevent, Respond
At INTERPOL, we support member countries to prevent, prepare for and respond to the use of chemicals in terrorist incidents. We work with national law enforcement agencies to prevent criminals from diverting, smuggling and using chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals and explosive precursor chemicals.
We offer a wide range of training courses to counter these threats, improve chemical security and build long-term capacity.
Our programme focuses on the following three areas:
- Police Data Management and Analysis
- Expertise
- Global Network
Gender Inclusivity
Aligned with INTERPOL’s Gender Mainstreaming Framework for Capacity Building, we are strongly committed to increasing gender parity. This commitment is maintained, promoted and monitored throughout our programming efforts to ensure gender is considered at all stages of our initiatives.
Awareness Videos
Awareness-raising products are key to ensuring global chemical security They also highlight the importance of educating relevant stakeholders to identify early warning indicators of chemical attacks in preparation, and how to report such cases to the appropriate authorities.
Such videos can address gaps in reporting protocols and establish points of contact as part of broader efforts to enhance multisector cooperation.

Chemical and Explosives Terrorism Prevention (CMX) Programme.
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