Police data management and analysis (Radiological and Nuclear)

Enhancing radiological or radioactive security through information sharing.


Geiger’s benefit to our member countries lies in its ability to facilitate police data- and information-sharing among law enforcement agencies specifically related to crimes involving radiological or nuclear materials.

We identify intelligence gaps and gain deeper understanding of member countries’ needs, and target efforts to enhance data- and information-sharing in response. These efforts can include national or regional consultations, operational support, or extensive NCB engagement.

Over time, this builds a more comprehensive intelligence picture and investigative leads for national, regional, and global action that enhances radiological or radioactive security and increases radiological terrorism prevention efforts.

In addition, the Geiger database produces and disseminates analytical, strategic and operational reports. These include annual reports on global radiological incidents and a biennial report on emerging threats and trends.

On an operational level, Geiger supports law enforcement agencies by connecting investigators with counterparts or specialist technical assistance in other countries in publishing INTERPOL Notices.

Geiger Working Groups

We promote intelligence sharing of non-state actors and the modus operandi linked with crimes involving radioactive materials through regional Geiger Working Groups.

Currently focused on the Black Sea and Caucuses, Central Asia, Southern Africa and Southeast Asia regions, these meetings provide a forum for experts and partners to discuss emerging threats, trends, and other incidents related to radiological and nuclear material crimes in a secure environment.

Geiger Working Groups also include partnerships with international organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and World Customs Organization (WCO), as well as specialist partnerships with US Department of Energy’s Offices of International Nuclear Security, Nuclear Smuggling Detection and Deterrence and Radiological security.

Geiger Global Conference

The Geiger Global Conference brings all five regions together to discuss outputs from the individual working groups, intelligence products developed throughout the year, and updates on emerging threats and trends related to crimes involving radioactive materials.

As a law enforcement-led meeting, the conference also provides a forum to connect Geiger Working Group members with other international stakeholders and facilitate information sharing through bilateral meetings and engagements. 

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