About the CCF

Find out more about the structure and composition of the CCF.

Legal basis

The CCF operates within a legal structure defined by its Statute, its Operating Rules, INTERPOL’s rules and applicable international legal standards.


The Commission is structured in two chambers, and is supported by the Secretariat for the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL’s files. Its powers are defined by the Statute of the Commission (Article 3).

The Supervisory and Advisory Chamber

The Requests Chamber

This Chamber examines and decides on requests for access to data as well as requests for correction and/or deletion of data processed in the INTERPOL Information System. It also examines applications for revision.

Composition of the Commission

The Commission members are elected by the General Assembly.  The terms of office of the members of the Commission shall be five years, renewable once for an additional term of three years. The mandate of all the current members started on 11 March 2022. The current composition of the Commission is:

Supervisory and Advisory Chamber

  • Teresa McHenry (United States) - Lawyer with international criminal law expertise (Chairperson)
  • Yves Poullet (Belgium) - Expert in data protection (Rapporteur)
  • Mohamed Elfadhel Miled (Tunisia) - Expert in electronic data processing

Requests Chamber

  • Teresa McHenry (United States) - Lawyer with international criminal law expertise (Chairperson)
  • Mohamed Kamara (Lebanon) - Lawyer with recognized international experience in police matters, in particular international police cooperation (Vice-Chairperson)
  • Hamza Es-Said (Morocco) - Lawyer who holds or has held a senior judicial or prosecutorial position (Rapporteur)
  • Susie Alegre (United Kingdom) - Lawyer with data protection expertise
  • Michel Forst (France)- Lawyer with human rights expertise

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