Training quality assurance

We have put guidelines, policies and accreditation systems in place to ensure our training meets the highest standards.

Delivery of our training courses is decentralized through the INTERPOL Global Academy, a network of trusted regional training organizations, in order to maximize their reach. The INTERPOL Training Quality System ensures that all training activities are in line with recognized standards of excellence. It comprises the following areas.

Directives and guidelines
INTERPOL’s Training Standards are set out in the INTERPOL Guide to Effective Training. This document is complemented by a number of practical Directives which assist instructors in integrating these standards into their training courses. Guidelines on incorporating human rights and gender mainstreaming into capacity building are also available.

INTERPOL instructor certification
All INTERPOL Instructors must receive training certification, enabling them to deliver training on behalf of the Organization. Instructor training is also delivered to law enforcement agencies in our member countries to help cascade knowledge and enhance the sustainability of initiatives.

Training material review and repository
Training products are evaluated to make sure they are in line with INTERPOL training standards. Once approved, they can be entered into a central repository of validated training material so as to optimize efforts.

Course accreditation
We can accredit training programmes that support international law enforcement cooperation, be they traditional classroom-based courses or online.

Training programmes are subjected to tough scrutiny at each stage of the process: needs analysis, programme design, development, delivery and final evaluation. We are assisted in this by a trusted external partner. Training courses receive an official INTERPOL Accreditation Certificate which is valid for four years.

Police in action at the World Cup
Policing major sports events attended by thousands of spectators requires specific training
Award Certificate

INTERPOL training accreditation aims to:

  • Intensify cooperation with police training entities and promote consistency in law enforcement training standards internationally;
  • Enhance the confidence of the public, donors and stakeholders in the integrity, professionalism and efficiency of law enforcement training;
  • Provide added recognition to organizations with training courses or programmes that meet INTERPOL training standards.
Capacity building and training

Any training institution wishing to apply for accreditation should contact us using the Contact form.