1,500 police in operation targeting crime networks across Eastern and Southern Africa

12 July 2016

KENYA/ZIMBABWE - An operation across Eastern and Southern Africa targeting transnational crimes including human, drug and arms trafficking, people smuggling, terrorism, car theft and environmental crime has resulted in nearly 4,500 arrests.

Some 88,000 Captagon tablets hidden inside phone chargers were seized following a cargo check on a flight arriving at Sudan’s Khartoum airport.
Police in Rwanda discovered an illicit Coltan mine, in addition to seizing 651 metres and 5.5 tonnes of copper cables and pylons valued at more than USD 23,000 either stolen from Rwanda Energy Group stores or after vandalising electricity infrastructures.
A cannabis seizure in Eritrea during Operation Usalama III – the driver fled the scene when his vehicle was stopped by police.
Following the arrest of a 37-year-old man suspected of counterfeiting and forgery, police in Sudan recovered an AK47, ammunition, fake passports, military uniforms, computers and a range of currencies including euros, dollars, Sudanese pounds and Malaysian ringit.
One of the seizures made by police in Sudan as part of Operation Usalama III which involved 22 countries from across Southern and Eastern Africa.
85,000 rounds of ammunition were found by Sudan police buried underground in Sinnar state near the borders with Blue Nile state and South Sudan.
Tens of thousands of checks were conducted against INTERPOL’s global databases during the 48-hour operation, resulting in the recovery of more than 30 vehicles which recorded stolen by INTERPOL including from the United Kingdom and Malaysia.
In Uganda, police destroyed 55 acres of cannabis plants.
A roadside check in Botswana during Operation Usalama III led to the discovery of five pieces of elephant tusk concealed in a car boot. Officers also arrested a traditional healer in possession of a range of illicit wildlife products including tortoises and python skin.
Six people were arrested in connection with a range of wildlife crimes after police in Uganda recovered 20 kg of ivory, three tortoises, geese, 12 ostrich egg shells, leopard skins and other illicit animal products. Seven guns and more than 300 rounds of ammunition were also seized.
Ammunition recovered by police in Sudan during Operation Usalama III which targeted transnational crimes including human, drug and arms trafficking, people smuggling, terrorism, car theft and environmental crime across Eastern and Southern Africa.
During the INTERPOL-supported Operation Usalama III, police in Tanzania recovered 666 pieces of ivory worth USD 2million and arrested five men and a woman from Guinea, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

To address the wide-ranging yet often interlinked types of crime across the region, some 1,500 officers were deployed throughout 22 countries as part of Operation Usalama III.

Led by the Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (EAPCCO) and the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (SARPCCO) with support from INTERPOL, the two-day (29 and 30 June) operation involved officers from police, customs, immigration, wildlife agencies, counter terrorism units and mining authorities.

Tens of thousands of checks were conducted against INTERPOL’s global databases during the 48-hour operation, resulting in the recovery of more than 30 vehicles recorded stolen by INTERPOL, including from the United Kingdom and Malaysia, and the arrest of a fugitive who was the subject of a Red Notice.

In addition to the rescue of human trafficking victims in Namibia, Rwanda and Uganda, drugs, guns, ammunition and gold were among the illicit goods seized during the operation.

Other key results from Operation Usalama III:

  • Following the arrest of a 37-year-old man suspected of counterfeiting and forgery, police in Sudan recovered an AK47, ammunition, fake passports, military uniforms, computers and a range of currencies including euros, dollars, Sudanese pounds and Malaysian ringit. Police also recovered 85,000 rounds of ammunition which had been buried underground in Sennar state near its border with Blue Nile state and South Sudan.
  • ­Some 88,000 Captagon tablets hidden inside phone chargers were discovered following a cargo check on a flight arriving at Sudan’s Khartoum airport.
  • ­In Rwanda, police seized cannabis, heroin and illegal fishing nets as well as 651 metres and 5.5 tonnes of copper cables and pylons valued at more than USD 23,000 either stolen from Rwanda Energy Group stores or after vandalising electricity infrastructures.
  • ­With cattle rustling a significant crime across Africa, 24 people were arrested throughout the region in connection with the theft of 50 goats, 32 cows and 17 sheep with a total estimated value of nearly USD 20,000.
  • ­In Uganda, police destroyed 55 acres of cannabis plants and arrested six suspects in connection with a range of wildlife crimes after recovering 20 kg of ivory, three tortoises, geese, 12 ostrich egg shells, leopard skins and other illicit animal products. Seven guns and more than 300 rounds of ammunition were also seized.
  • ­Officers at Asmara international airport in Eritrea arrested a man travelling on a forged passport which contained a fake exit visa.
  • ­Nearly 70 acres of cannabis plants were destroyed in Swaziland. In Malawi, as well as seizing 2.2 tonnes of cannabis, police also destroyed 37 acres of cannabis plants. Police in Zimbabwe intercepted a truck heading to Harare which was carrying a tonne of cannabis concealed under bags of wheat bran.
  • ­A roadside check in Botswana led to the discovery of five pieces of elephant tusk concealed in a car boot. Officers also arrested a traditional healer in possession of a range of illicit wildlife products including tortoises and python skin.

“Access to INTERPOL´s databases played an important role in the success of the operation and again has shown the need for international information exchange. Operations like Usalama show what can be achieved when law enforcement agencies work closely together in combating transnational crime,” said EAPCCO Chairman Joseph Boinnet, Inspector General of Kenya’s National Police Service.

Supported by INTERPOL’s Regional Bureaus in Nairobi and Harare, a number of pre-operational meetings were held to share intelligence on national and regional crime issues and to provide training on INTERPOL’s capabilities used during the operation.

“The positive outcome of Operation Usalama III is a true reflection of the importance of interregional and multilateral cooperation fighting organized and transnational crime,” said Julio Dos Santos Jane, SARPCCO Chairperson and General Commander of the Mozambique Police.

“The results also show that it is vital to look beyond borders to both prevent crime and stop criminals escaping from justice,” added Mr Dos Santos Jane.

Elizabeth Kuteesa, Director of INTERPOL’s Global Outreach and Regional Support unit said the operation underlined the added value of INTERPOL’s Regional Bureaus in strengthening national and regional law enforcement cooperation.

“Operation Usalama III demonstrates what can be achieved through the commitment of countries and the expertise of frontline police backed by INTERPOL’s global capabilities,” said Ms Kuteesa.

“This was a strong, coordinated response to tackle the serious crime challenges facing these regions, and INTERPOL will continue to provide its support as these arrests are followed up,” concluded Ms Kuteesa.

SARPCCO member countries: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

EAPCCO member countries: Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.