Due to our status as an international organization, we are not subject to national, regional or international procurement rules, but have developed our own regulations based on key international procurement principles. These rules are laid down in our Procurement Manual, Constitution, General Regulations and Financial Regulations.
The procurement procedures are governed by the following principles:
- safeguarding the interests of the Organization;
- cost-effectiveness;
- non-discrimination;
- transparency;
- fairness;
- integrity.
INTERPOL’s procurement is carried out through four types of procedures:
- Open call for tender;
- Limited competition;
- Request for quotations;
- Direct negotiation.
Who may supply services to INTERPOL?
We need goods and services to run our activities at all the duty stations of the General Secretariat (France, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Kenya, Singapore, Thailand, United States and Zimbabwe) as well as for the National Central Bureaus in each of our member countries.
For this reason, we work with suppliers throughout the world, regardless of their nationality or background, as long as the entity concerned complies with INTERPOL’s aims which are set out in Article 2 of our Constitution.
Who may not supply services?
Any person or legal entity convicted of any of the offences below will be excluded from signing procurement contracts with the Organization:
- Participation in a criminal organization;
- Corruption;
- Fraud;
- Money laundering;
- Offences relating to professional conduct.
This also applies to any person or legal entity who has not fulfilled their obligation to pay social security contributions or taxes, in accordance with the legal provisions of the country where it is established or those of the country where it pursues its activities.
Additional exclusions may also apply depending on the transaction, and will be clearly indicated in the rules associated with the contract in question.
2023 Annual Procurement Report
The 2023 Annual Procurement Report presents procurement and contracts data demonstrating its adherence to the recently adopted procurement strategy. The information in the report underscores INTERPOL’s dedication to accountability and openness, reinforcing its efforts to make informed strategic decisions and enhance stakeholder engagement. By continuously improving the Organization’s processes, INTERPOL strives to better address the evolving needs of its valued supplier and client relationships.
Procurement Evolution, CY 2019-2023
Over the last five years, INTERPOL has committed an average of 35.4 million EUR per year on procurement activities.
Procurement by Spend Category
The top three categories in terms of procurement value in 2023 are facilities management (37%), IT (32%) and travel and missions (15%).
Procurement by Business Area
In 2023, 97% of the total procurement were from three INTERPOL offices: HQ in France (39.2 million euros), Singapore (5.1 million euros) and Regional Bureau in Côte d'Ivoire (1.7 million euros).
Procurement by Geographic Region
In 2023, procurement in Europe had the highest share (35 million euros or 74% of total procurement). INTERPOL aims to further diversify its supplier relations with outreach to regional bureaus in order to identify appropriate local suppliers for certain categories of goods and services.
Number of Contracts, 2019-2023
Excluding the impact of COVID-19 on the procurement activities that implied a reduction in the number of contracts done in 2020 and 2021, the number of contracts done over the 2019-2023 period is otherwise quite stable.