CCF sessions and decisions

Dates of upcoming CCF sessions and examples of some of the decisions taken.

Dates of upcoming CCF sessions

The Commission meets at least three times per year. The following sessions are planned:

  • 131st session: 27/01/2025 – 31/01/2025
  • 132nd session: April
  • 133rd session: June
  • 134th session: October


The CCF has been experiencing delays in meeting its deadlines due to increases in the workload of the CCF and other INTERPOL stakeholders. The CCF recognizes that this has created challenges for both Applicants and INTERPOL National Central Bureaus, and has been working to address the issues.

The 92nd INTERPOL General Assembly approved additional funding for the CCF [see  ] which will enable the hiring of new staff and the INTERPOL General Secretariat is working with the CCF to develop new information technology tools.

While these changes should improve processing times, some delays are expected in 2025 due to the backlog of cases, as well as the time needed to hire and integrate staff and to develop new tools. The CCF will work to keep parties updated on case progress and to post general updates on its website about procedures taken to reduce delays.

Anonymized decisions

The CCF issues written decisions, which are provided to the General Secretariat, the applicant and the National Central Bureaus concerned, taking into account any additional applicable restrictions.

As provided for in the Statute of the Commission, all decisions are confidential and not meant for public dissemination. Nonetheless, the CCF publishes certain anonymized decisions on this website to provide information on its activities and in accordance with its Statute.

*Please take note that certain decisions below were rendered prior to the entry into force of the Statute of the Commission in March 2017.

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