Case name: The woman by the motorway
Case code: 2023-DE02
- Date of death (estimated): Summer or Autumn of 1985
- Date of discovery: 16 March 1986
- Location: Germany: Along the motorway A6 in the direction of Heilbronn, near the parking area "Weisser Stock".
- Sex: Female
- Estimated year of birth: 1952-1958
- Estimated age: Between 27 and 33 years old
- Height: 155 to 165 cm
- Skin tone: Pale skin
- Hair colour: Unknown, presumably fair hair
- Eye colour: Unknown
- Clothing: The woman wore white, non-branded tennis shoes, size 36. It was noteworthy that there were no socks or remnants of socks. Perhaps she had a habit of wearing shoes without socks. She wore a bright red cotton t-shirt or a thin, long-sleeved sweatshirt with cuffs and a red blouse. She also wore burgundy-coloured fine corduroy trousers, buttoned left, decorative zippers without pockets. She wore skin-coloured elastic briefs and a skin-coloured bra (without underwire).
- Tattoos, birth marks, scars: Unknown
- Jewellery: The woman wore an eye-catching three-coloured ring made of interwoven gold, silver and copper wires. The ring has a diameter of 16.5 to 18 mm. The woman wore a leather band with several buttons around her left ankle. The band was approximately 1.5 mm thick.
The case
On 16 March 1986, walkers discovered the remains of a woman 14 metres from the A6 motorway while walking through woodland next to the motorway near the parking area "Weißer Stock". The parking area is near the motorway intersection A5/A6, about a 15-minute drive from Heidelberg, near St. Leon-Rot (Rhein-Neckar district) in the direction of Heilbron. The body had presumably been there for months, but no longer than one year. The enquiries revealed that the woman had fallen victim to a violent crime. Her identity is still unknown.
Experts reconstructed the woman's face on the basis of her remains. An isotope analysis of her remains revealed that she must have grown up in Eastern Europe. She probably spent her childhood in Russia, Ukraine or Romania. However, she seems to have moved to another region when she was between the age of 4 and 8.
The woman had obviously moved a lot. She possibly lived in temperate climate zones in the former Soviet Union, Ukraine, Romania and/or the Czech Republic; possibly mountainous regions, but not Scandinavia.
For about the last ten months of her life, she lived in Western European countries, for example, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Belgium or the Netherlands. Her hair was about 8 cm long at the time of her death. The place where the corpse was found suggests that the woman may have been killed elsewhere and was subsequently left at this deserted place in the woods. Noticeably, this relatively young woman wore a partial denture.
If you have any information regarding the possible identity of this person, please contact the German national police via the form below.
You can also contact them and view this case on their national police website.

If you have any information regarding the possible identity of this person, please contact the national police.