Tackling the Nordic criminal landscape
The Nordic countries are often destination or transit countries for women and girls trafficked by organized crime groups which operate from the other side of the world. Drug and alcohol smuggling and their associated financial crimes, particularly money laundering, by global organized crime groups are also a concern for Nordic authorities.
The INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB) in Oslo is one of Norway’s principal platforms to provide national law enforcement officials with the support they need to fight regional organized crime from a global standpoint.

INTERPOL in Norway
NCB Oslo is the leading police cooperation platform for Norwegian law enforcement to identify, investigate and prevent global crime affecting Norway. It is part of Norway’s serious and organized crime agency, called KRIPOS.
The NCB works with other NCBs in all continents to monitor the global crime situation and permit preventive action when required. Its core activities include:
- Cooperation with police forces in other member countries
- Regional and global criminal investigations
- Forensic services
- Criminal intelligence
Law enforcement services in Norway
Law enforcement services in Norway are provided by the country’s single national police force called “Politi”, which is part of the Ministry of Justice and Police. With a strength of more than 16,000 men and women for a population of less than 5.3 million, the force exercises its activities in its 12 police districts.
KRIPOS is a specialized national unit of Politi. It provides criminal investigation and forensic services, and acts as a national advisory body to all Norwegian law enforcement bodies. It reports to the National Authority for Prosecution of Organized and Other Serious Crime.